Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mommy Brain

First of all, I apologize for the long overdue post. It seems like the weeks just slip away from me. We are in such a routine every night that I don't get much "adult" time to catch up on emails, online shopping, eating chocolate and spending some alone time.
The twins are 8 1/2 months old....how did that happen? It seems like yesterday that I was spending nights in the NICU and having John drive me to and from the hospital. It seems like it was just yesterday when Gradyn came home and we got to bring little Zayster home a few days later. And it seems like a week ago when the kids would STAY IN ONE SPOT. :)

The latest news in the Klehn household?!? Mommy got a new job. After the kids were born, my job at Allied was eliminated. They had closed down the region that I worked for. John and I were in a "sticky" and stressful situation. Two kids in daycare does drain our checkbook - so do I stay home and work at nights or find something else within the company? This was one of those decisions that no one could tell me what to do. I contemplated, ask many different mommies their thoughts. The "working" mommies said that "they are a better mom because they work". The "stay at home mommies" said that "they would never give up the time they got to spend with their children". All I know is that I will never find a job as rewarding as being a mommy. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy "adult conversations" and "people who don't poop their pants" but I never realize how good two little boogers could make me feel. It gives life a purpose.
With that being said, you probably think I decided to stay home and work at night. I actually am working a full-time job within Allied/Nationwide. I feel good about my decision - this job gives me flexibility with my schedule and I'm hoping to be able to spend some afternoons with the kids, instead of putting them to bed 2 1/2 hours after I get home.
I don't have all of the answers to being a mom. Heck, I don't even know what to do most of the time. I think being a good mommy is not about buying your kids "Baby Gap" clothes (I thoroughly enjoy garage saleing...we'll save that for another post). I don't think it is about "having the coolest toys" or "living in the coolest house". The best parents I know just spend time with their kids. They aren't afraid to make a fool of themselves to get a special "belly laugh" from their son. They aren't afraid to get banana apple pear food on their "Banana Republic" work shirt. They aren't afraid to hold their kids a little longer, even if it throws off of their routine just because if feels so good to have the most beautiful thing in the world in their arms.
The best parents cry because their kids are crying, laugh because their kids are laughing and hurt because their kids are hurting.

John has become accustomed to being a Dad. I wouldn't say he has mastered it quite yet - Zaylee has been in the car seat without pants on, a dirty diaper laying on the dresser upstairs and the occassional "forgotten bath night". But as soon as he walks in the house, he smiles at the kids, puts hand sanitizer on and picks one of them up. His face lights up like it use to when he saw me. I've been replaced. Zaylee is a little "Daddy's Girl" - and John just loves her to pieces. That girl will be spoiled her whole life by her daddy.

The kids are both crawling. Gradyn was little bit of a "later crawler" than Zaylee by a few weeks. He's 5 or 6 pounds heavier than Zaylee - I'm sure it is hard to carry around the extra "junk in the trunk". My favorite thing about Gradyn is the "belly laughs". If you get him laughing, he puts his whole body into it. He shakes and it sounds like he is 40 years old.

Zaylee is a mover and a shaker. She is a busy body and an explorer. Just tonight, I found her in one of our shelves. Like she was a book in a bookshelf. She got herself out of the their and mommy put her right back where she found her - a perfect photo opportunity. My favorite thing about Zaylee is she is the most beautiful baby in the world.

Two quick stories:

I've been getting into work by 7:00 in the morning (which is early for me). I don't see the kids in the morning but that is the only way I can get out of the house on time. I do daycare pick up and I'm so excited to give them hugs and kisses after work, that I unbuckle them from their carseat when we pull in the driveway and leave the carseats in my car (not on purpose).
I left for work today and turned off my cell phone - a few hours later I got an email from John telling me "Hi Beautiful. I hope you have a good morning. Call me when you can." I called him. He asked me what did I have in my car that he needed this morning. I told him I didn't know. He said "carseats". Oh shit, I thought. "What did you do". John had put jackets on the kids, blankets on them and buckled them in the stroller. He walked 7 blocks to our daycare in his shirt and tie. Luckily, he got a ride home and didn't have to walk back. He's so understanding.

Story #2
On Sunday, we put the kids in a crib together for a few minutes. Zaylee sheets were in the dryer and we were packing to take the kids somewhere. From the minute they were born, Gradyn and Zaylee were in separate NICU beds and cribs at home. They have just started recently "interacting" more. I peeked in on them in the room and there they were...laughing at each other. Gradyn was doing his belly laughs and Zaylee was giggling. I made John get the video camera. It was one of those "priceless"moments. Life doesn't get much better than that.

Until next time...for now, it is off to enjoy a pudding snack,Dancing with the Stars and falling asleep before the news to be only woke up by one of the kids at 2:30 (a.m., that is).

Love and hugs from the Klehn's.